Administrative Sanction Orders
Directorate of Technical Education
KERALA (Government of Kerala)


Administrative Sanction Orders

Display # 
Title Published Date Hits
Renewal of Annual Maintenance Contract for passengers Lift No 2 at the Government Engineering College Kozhikode from 20/02/2023 to 19/02/2024- Administrative Sanction- Accorded- Orders issued 10-02-2023 629
Purchase of Electronics Equipments for civil Engineering Department for Government Engineering College, Wayanad- Administrative Sanction -Accorded - Orders issued 08-02-2023 485
Purchase of Furniture -Government Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram , Paalakkad- Purchase Sanction-Accorded-Orders issued. 08-02-2023 554
Repair and Maintenance of Megger make protection Relay Test system- -College of Engineering Thriruvananthapuram-Administrative Sanction -Accorded-Orders issued 08-02-2023 430
Purchase of Furniture - College of Engineering ,Trivandrum- Purchase Sanction-Accorded-Orders issued 08-02-2023 457
Purchase of a Workstation - Government Engineering College , Wayanad-Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders issued 06-02-2023 555
Purchase of 1 No. of Portable Public Address System System for the Applied Art Department - College of Fine Arts, Mavelikkara- Administrative Sanction - Accorded - Orders issued 06-02-2023 467
Purchase of subscription of IEEE- e- Journals in Government Engineering College,KANNUR - Administrative Sanction and Purchase Sanction - Accorded - Orders issued 06-02-2023 487
Purchase of Renewal E-Journals - EBSCO Art and Architecture Complete(2022) in Rajive Gandhi Institute of Technology Kottayam - Administrative Sanction and Purchase Sanction - Modified - Orders issued 06-02-2023 445
Upgradation of CNC Lathe Machine from PC Based System to PLC -College of Engineering Thrissur- Administrative Sanction-Accorded- Orders issued 06-02-2023 529


Address Hours Of Operation
Padmavilasom Street, FORT P.O Mon  To  Sat  10 AM to  5PM
Thiruvananthapuram Second Saturday Holiday
Kerala India Pin 695023  
Phone No: 0471-2561200.