ഐ റ്റി പർച്ചേസ് പ്രൊപോസൽ വിലയിരുത്തലിനു വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ടെക്നിക്കൽ കമ്മിറ്റി
സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ഡയറക്ടറേറ്റ്
കേരളം (കേരള സർക്കാർ)

SPFU Activities 2012-2013


The following are the major activities of SPFU Kerala during 2012-13


  1. A five day workshop on Double Entry Accounting System & Tally Software was organized by SPFU Kerala for 45participants from SPFU and other 13 participant institutions at Institute of Management in Government (IMG), Thiruvananthapuram.

  2. After getting Ways & Means clearance from Government the third installment was released on July 2012. Thus a total amount of Rs. 2 Crore was released to each of the 13 1st Cycle Project Institution.

  3. The First State Level Workshop/Review Meeting with State Institutions of Kerala was organized for Effective Mentoring with participation of all Stake Holders.

  4. Tobi Linden, Lead Education Specialist, South Asia Education, World Bank – New Delhi and Sri. Anup Mehopra, Academic Consultant, NPIU visited GEC, Barton Hill, LBSITW, Poojapura & SPFU, Kerala during 2012.

  5. A Meeting of the Mentors and Principals of the 13 Institutions was held to review the progress of implementation of the Project and to initiate the Mentoring Process.

  6. The Director, SPFU participated in the National level review meeting of the progress of implementation of TEQIP-II in the Project Institutions at New Delhi.

  7. The Procurement Plan for an estimated cost of Rs. 3923450/ was approved by NPIU and the Procurement Committee of SPFU instigated the procurement activities.

Two Workshops were organized by SPFU and conducted at GEC, Thrissur.

(1) On ‘Preparedness of Academic Autonomy’ for Principals and TEQIP

Coordinators of the Institutions.

(2) On ‘Counselling and Guidance’ for Chairperson and Coordinator of

Counsels & Guidance and selected faculty from Institutions.

  1. A Review Meeting on the Progress of the Project Implementation in the State as well as two Project Institutions was held by the Additional Secretary, MHRD at School of Engineering, Kochi. The DTE/SPA made the State Presentation.

  2. Progress of Project Implementation in 13 PIs were reviewed by the Mentors, the DTE/SPA and the SPFU officials based on various templates derived for the purpose by SPFU, Kerala.

  3. The Departmental audit completed in all PIs during the month of February 2013.

  4. On 22nd& 23rd February 2013 the first Joint Review Mission sitting was conducted by NPIU, in which the progress of project implementation in 13 PIs was reviewed. The preparedness made by SPFU in this regard especially the bound volume of the compiled progress reports, containing statistical analysis of the project implementation progress was highly appreciated by the JRM Team. The SPFU, Director participated in the final sitting of the JRM at New Delhi on 01st March 2013.

  5. On22nd February 2013 the Central Project Advisor visited Thiruvananthapuram to offer Orientation to the newly selected six Project Institutions from Kerala and four Project Institutions from Tamil Nadu under Sub Component 1.1,2nd Cycle. Subsequently, MHRD has released Rs. 1350 lakhs to the six project institutions of Kerala under 2nd cycle selection.

  6. On 20th March 2013 a Scrutiny Committee Meeting on International Travel Support Scheme (ITSS) was held in the Directorate of Technical Education.


മേൽവിലാസവും പ്രവർത്തനസമയവും


മേൽവിലാസം പ്രവർത്തനസമയം
പദ്മവിലാസം സ്ട്രീറ്റ് , ഫോർട്ട് പി ഒ 10 എഎം മുതൽ   5 പിഎം
തിരുവനന്തപുരം രണ്ടാം ശനി അവധി
കേരളം, ഇൻഡ്യ. പിൻ 695023 ഞായർ അവധി 
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